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Overseer Quentin E. Colter Sr.

General Overseer/Founder

The Pavilion of Praise Fellowship of Churches


Regional Administrative Assistant - Arizona Region

California New Journey Jurisdiction COGIC

Our Founder, Elder Quentin E. Colter Sr, affectionately known as "Pastor Q" who is a handsome and unique son, was born to the parentage of Minister Jasper & Missionary Frances Colter in Phoenix, AZ at the Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center on June 9th weighing a whopping twelve pounds twelve ounces. Pastor Q has been married to our First Lady RoShann Renee Colter, affectionately known as “Lady Nay”, for 22 years as of July 23, 2023 and she has given birth to all of their children, which consist of three sons Quentin Jr (18). Quevion (16) and QuiShaun (11) and his princess and heart, QuiAnna (13).


During his elementary schooling, Pastor Q showed much ambition as an adolescent and was transferred from the regular public school system, Jorgensen Elementary School to an accelerated school called Palmdale Elementary School due to his outstanding abilities.  He also attended South Mountain High School and later enrolled in the Omega Academy were he graduated within two years. Exhibiting the courage, faith, and strength instilled him by his very strong maternal insistence, Pastor Q excelled in his studies and continued his educational pursuits whereby he graduated from the Apollo College and received his Associates of Arts Degree in Computer Software Engineering and Network Database Administration. He has just recently completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a minor in Information Technology. He was a straight “A” student and was offered and accepted into the Alpha Chi National Honor Society. Since his graduation, he has recently enrolled and currently attending the Ashbury Theological Seminary to obtain his education in Church Growth & Development.


Pastor Quentin is very gregarious and enjoys people of all backgrounds and ethnicities, which lead him to seek employment in various vocations, such as, working as a School Teacher, School Bus Driver, Security Guard, Cashier, and other jobs until he started his career landing a position in the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, and from there has moved up in several city departments such as, City of Phoenix Water Department, the Phoenix Police Department , City Clerk Department, the Information Technology Department, the Finance Department and now serves as the Executive Assistant and Budget Supervisor to the Director of the Human Resources Department. Pastor Quentin has been employed with the City of Phoenix for over the past 19 years and prior to being hired on full-time with the city, he was a non-paid city employee for over 4 years prior to his full-time status.


Pastor Q is not big on having a “title” whether personally or in Christendom, but he is known affectionately by many people all across the state of Arizona, as “a preacher’s dream musician” or just ” the maestro”. He is no longer only a musician and a preacher, but he has been called out by God for this assignment of being the founder and senior pastor of the Pavilion of Praise Ministries, now known as the Pavilion of Praise Christian Church. He has a great anointing on his life with the gift of laying hands. At the age of 8, God had honored his prayer life so much that after he laid his hands on those that asked him, that signs and wonders had followed instantly thereafter, such as individuals being healed from cancer, from diabetes, from cigarettes, from alcohol, from demonic oppression, and much more. 


While being apart of the Churches of God in Christ, Pastor Q has served in the capacity as the minister of music for the Emmanuel COGIC of Phoenix, AZ as well as served as the Emmanuel District Youth Choir President, the Emmanuel District Youth Department President, the Arizona Jurisdictional Youth Mass Choir President, and in April 2012 appointed as the Southwest Regional Youth Mass Choir President, under the International Youth Department of the COGIC. The Lord has not stopped elevating him. In the month of March 2013, God led our shepherd to move the Pavilion of Praise Ministries into the California Southwest Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ and because of his obedience to God and not man, our Pastor has served as the Assistant Superintendent and the Finance Chairman of the Empowerment District of the California Southwest Jurisdiction of the COGIC. At the conclusion of our 53rd Annual Jurisdictional Holy Convocation, the Jurisdictional Prelate, Bishop Hillrie H. Murphy, appointed our Pastor as the Vice President of the Youth Department of the California Southwest Jurisdiction. In January 2017, our Pastor was led to disconnect from the COGIC for a season to pour our resources back into the local assembly to help better serve our community.


In January 2019, our Pastor went on a 21-day fast and at the completion of the fast, our church linked back up with the COGIC under the California New Journey Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop John Mark Richardson, Sr. With this new connection, the Pavilion of Praise Christian Church is still an independent church but is able to participate and fellowship within the COGIC organization.  As of June 2019, there are 4 churches in Arizona and we are looking forward to helping our leader, to assist our Bishop with growing our jurisdiction. In August 2019, during our Holy Convocation, our Senior Pastor was appointed to the office of "Administrative Assistant" within the California New Journey Jurisdiction. In October 2019, our Pastor was given the permission to start a district within the jurisdiction and was elevated to the office of District Superintendent of the Praise City Fellowship District in California New Journey Jurisdiction. As of the end of October 2019, there are currently 5 churches within the District with other churches (in CA and AZ) who has interest in joining the Praise City Fellowship District and the CNJJ COGIC family. In August 2020, our Pastor was officially installed and elevated to the office "General Overseer" of the Pavilion of Praise Fellowship of Churches, in which the Lord led him to start in September 2019. At the elevation service, the Fellowship installed 6 Pastors and their ministries into the fellowship with 2 more new church plants that were officially installed into the fellowship during our 2nd Annual Holy Convocation in August 2021 and 1 new church plant was installed in August 2022. In August 2023, we will being inducting 3 new church plants into the Pavilion of Praise Fellowship of Churches. 


Prior to creating the Fellowship of Churches, our Overseer had launched 3 new Pavilion of Praise campuses as well as started two new ministries (The House of Victory Christian Church & Harvest Restoration Christian Center) and appointed Campus Pastors to oversee them until he was ready to install them as the Senior Pastors (which were 2 of the 6 Pastors installed during the 1st Holy Convocation.)  This all happened within a year and a half span of time.


Over the next several years, the Pavilion of Praise Christian Church will be working towards the following endeavors such as, opening more worship locations/campuses throughout the Phoenix Metropolitan areas and within the State of California.  In March 2020, the ministry currently has soft-launched our Children's Daycare and Development Center but will be a fully operated center to service our communities at a later date. We are also preparing to create a tutoring center as well as a computer lab for the community as well as prepare taxes for low-income families at no charge. To GOD be the glory for the things He has done and going to do. We thank God for the favor of God has is upon our leader! We know that God is not through blessing him for the BEST is yet to come. In the words of our Overseer, "just stay tuned...better is coming."

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© 2024 The Pavilion of Praise Christian Church of Phoenix AZ

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